Alex currently manages SSRIA’s Green Building Technology Network and Future Skills programs including 20 green building and 3 future skills demonstration projects across Alberta.
Prior to working with SSRIA, he was Director of Sustainable Solutions / High Resolution Inventory Solutions (HRIS) Product Manager at Tesera. As the lead of his 3rd cleantech startup, he worked to synchronize a business unit of data scientists, statisticians, web developers, geomatic engineers, machine learning/AI specialists, biometricians and foresters to achieve a product-market fit and scale the solution for the global marketplace.
Prior to that he was Executive Director then President/CEO of EnerVision, an Alberta Emerald Award winning non-profit green building company that delivered NRCan’s R-2000 and EnerGuide across AB, Built Green Society in AB and BC, and was the 1st LEED for Homes provider in Western Canada. He was the Innovation Coordinator at SAIT’s School of Construction and helped with the 2009 Solar Decathlon finalists, and development of the Net Zero Home “Living Labs”. He is a LEED accredited professional, an R-2000/Built Green™ trainer and Certified Energy Advisor.
Alex has a Masters of Environmental Design and an MBA in Global Energy Management and Sustainability from the University of Calgary, and a B.Sc. (Geog) from UBC.