Collaborators on an GBTN team are sub-consultants or a product/service provider with a strong business connection to the design, construction, and clean technology sector. Collaborators mutually benefit from the business development, learning opportunity and relationships made that continue on to leverage new business after the project is complete.

Project Collaborators include: SAIT and Tru AIM

How did you get involved in the SSRIA GBTN with 4 Elements Integrated Design?

SAIT: 4 Elements is a mutual collaborator on a SAIT-GBT Retrofit Curriculum and Guidebook project funded by SSRIA.

Tru AIM: I have known Tyler and Steve for a number of years so when the funding opportunity became available, I was keen to work with them to make a submission

What does it mean to you be a project collaborator and what value do you add?

SAIT: Exciting to be involved on the ground floor for Industry Education and Transformation that will be much needed for the amount of Retrofits required.

Tru AIM: Working with other leaders in the energy efficiency and high-performance building sector allows for faster learning and faster distribution of the knowledge gained. Through collaboration you gain from others experience and mistakes and don’t have to make them all again yourself

What do you think you will gain from your participation in the project?

SAIT: Knowledge, better understanding of what the industry needs, and continued relationship building.

Tru AIM: I will gain an increased understanding of the different ways to perform a Deep Energy retrofit, including cost, carbon and energy considerations.

What do you hope the greatest project outcome will be?

SAIT: Lessons learned and applicability to other similar homes requiring retrofits.

Tru AIM: Increased adoption of Deep Energy Retrofits

How will you continue to use the experience and learning’s from this project to further reduce GHG emissions in the built environment?

SAIT: Through educational curriculum and guidebook development.

Tru AIM: I will apply what I have learned in the training I provide to others and in the projects I work on in the future.