Rocky Mountain Kinetics, in partnership with Red Deer Polytechnic ,is developing a renewable energy source that looks and moves just like a tree. Providing enough power to meet your business energy needs, and at the same time avoiding expensive building design adaptations.

We need your help, and your feedback!

If you have previously purchased or are looking to retrofit renewable energy sources or develop new programs to support renewable energy to meet your climate objectives, we would love to pick your

We aren’t looking to sell you anything, we just want to get some insight into the experiences you’ve had
or are having with your current technology.

We would be pleased if you could give us 5 minutes of your time to complete the survey linked below:
Answer Survey Here.

Your input helps us confirm that we’re solving the right problem for the right people.

If you’d like to learn more, please feel free to reach out to me directly,

Brent Register, CEO
Rocky Mountain Kinetics