The Smart Sustainable Resilient Infrastructure Association (SSRIA) is here to present its Green Building Technologies Network (GBTN) Spotlight Series. This series will be featuring a project team once every other month until March 2023. The aim is to get to know the projects and teams working in the GBTN and support further collaboration, communication, and knowledge sharing among our members.

Our guest this month is Triovest Realty Advisors, welcome!

Project Type: Commercial | Retrofit

Project Aim: Dynamic VAV Optimization

Project Summary: Click here for the complete project summary

Triovest Realty Advisors has a mission to improve building management system automation with the assistance of artificial intelligence. We interviewed project team members to find out more!

Triovest is serious about sustainability leadership, this is apparent from the four key benefits outlined in your sustainability strategy and commitments. Can you tell us about the project’s innovation dynamic VAV optimization and how it will assist in advancing those commitments?

We are constantly looking for ways to enhance the energy efficiency of our properties. The DVO project is the largest AI-type energy project that we are currently operating across Canada. If the results are promising, then we can try it on other buildings across our Portfolio to reduce GHG emissions.

This is the first of it’s kind project in Alberta, where did the idea come from in the first place?

The idea was brought to us by Siemens when we were brainstorming on novel ideas to try.

Studies have shown that indoor environmental air quality assists with occupant well-being, morale and productivity. With certifications like LEED/WELL/BOMA etc promoting upgrades to deliver these outcomes. Is Dynamic VAV capable of doing that while improving energy consumption loads simultaneously?

To date, DVO has not shown that it can improve air quality. When we have comfort issues, we have to turn it off and go back to more manual control.

Key metrics for success on this project will be energy savings and GHG reduction, how are these being measured?

Key metrics will be reduced electricity consumption over the baseline energy model, no increase in building operators’ workload, and an up-time functionality of greater than 70%.

In your opinion, who would benefit most significantly from pursuing this kind of commercial retrofit?

Property management companies and large schools or Universities would benefit the most.

Will the data collected from this project provide the needed scientific support to attract future projects in embracing these innovations?

Yes, detailed data will be shared with SSRIA and publicly available.

In your view, what will be the greatest reward or takeaway from this project?

Key takeaway for these types of projects is to have measurement and verification of the project to ensure that the savings are real and that there is a positive net present value of the project.

Have questions for Triovest, send us a message and we will get in touch. Send Mail