Consulting service opportunities for members

To support SSRIA operations, we are currently seeking consulting services to prepare several reports.  At the October 23 board meeting SSRIA approved a procurement policy that balances off ensuring fair market value for purchased services with giving our members consulting opportunities. The policy offers a competitive process open to  all paid members. If SSRIA does not get any proposals from our membership that meet the proposal requirements, then we reserve the right to reach out to the wider consulting community.   

Check out the current Request for Proposals for consulting services posted on the Member Opportunity page of the web site.  

  • Zero Carbon Strategy – RFP due Nov. 18 Noon
  • Corporate Capacity Inventory – RFP due Nov. 18 End of Day

Remember only members paid in full will have their proposals considered for this fee-for-service work.

Project funding application process ramping up 

On Oct. 23 the board approved, contingent to approval from our funders, the Project Funding Application Process and several key documents that support the application process including the Applicant Guide, the Application Form, Salary reimbursable rate guidelines and the evaluation criteria.  The final direction was formed based on input from our funders, the September Stakeholder workshop, the Project Review/Qualification Committee representing members from each major sector and the Board.