On September 11 SSRIA hosted a workshop to update over 20 members and stakeholders on the Green Building Technology Network (GBTN) initiative for which we secured a 3-year grant for approximately $2.5M in project-related funding.
We want to thank those stakeholders who participated in person and via Skype. We value the insight gained from questions and issues raised by workshop members. As we highlighted, each step of our new organization breaks new ground for everyone involved. Many processes are still works in progress and not yet locked in stone – but we’re working on priorities such as review and approval systems to ensure the SSRIA can meet the standards of fairness, transparency and accountability for expenditure of the funds entrusted to us. This helps us meet contractual obligations to our funder and be sound stewards of public funds. Not all our funding is yet in place but our current financial assets allow us to move forward on the foundational processes we need for the SSRIA’s long-term success.
As a new agency we are delighted that experienced organizations such as Alberta Eco-Trust have stepped up to help us establish a project intake and review process that is timely, provides both the project applicant and the SSRIA the information needed to make informed decisions and ensures that all parties are clear on the respective delivery and reporting requirements expected of the SSRIA by our funders.
We are pleased to hear that some stakeholders applaud the board’s intent to put in place a fair, competitive process. We are also reassured that stakeholders understand the anticipated benefits of this unique research and training initiative will occur only with some type of reasonable industry contribution.
For Stakeholder Workshop presentations, please go to https://www.ssria.ca/featured-events.
We committed to having the applicant information and process completed and approved by the Board by mid- to late October. We will update our website when the proposal process opens and advise current paid members by email.